What is this original technology, “UDC Plating”?
UDC is short for “Ultimate Diamond Carbon nanotube”. Through our original diamond special electrodeposition technology, we coat carbon nanotubes with a plating solution to increase strength, and improve heat discharging performance, and abrasion resistance.

The Plating Solution’s secret is…

The biggest secret of UDC technology is in the plating solution. From this innovation, production of carbon nanotubes coated with the high added value plating solution is now possible.
The features of carbon nanotubes
The strong points of carbon nanotubes made of nano materials are as follows:
- High aspect ratio
- High strength
- High elasticity modulus (~TPa)
- High thermal conductivity (~kW/mK)

UDC Features
Using UDC grants the following features:
Examples of UDC’s practical application
UDC is active in a wide range of industries.
For example